Sunday, November 6, 2011

The utility of Technology in the Early Years classroom

Something I have been thinking about, especially after our smartboard demonstration, is the utility of technology in our classrooms (especially in Early Years classrooms).  Schools seem to be trying their hardest to obtain funding for as many new technologies as they can get their hands on.  Not only the Mimio boards and smartboards, but cameras and other electronic devices are sought after items which many teachers want to incorporate into their daily lessons.  My concern is that all these technologies are sought for and used only for their novel intrigue and not for their usefulness in learning.  Are these items merely toys that are fun to play with but add no educational value to a classroom?

I would hope that when a school division is thinking about seeking funding and incorporation of new technologies, they sit down to really think about how it should be used and the benefits and possible hindrances they offer to classroom learning.  Committees should be formed to discuss these concerns ahead of time, to ensure that the usefulness of incorporating these technologies is of more benefit than detriment.  Often, new technologies are used as more of a distraction than a focus on learning.  When teachers themselves do not understand the purpose of the technology, or how to incorporate it into their lessons, this is when problems arise.  Perhaps all the School Divisions should offer Professional Development sessions throughout the year, led by consultants or other professionals on effective and useful ways to incorporate technology into the classroom, as well as enlightening them how to be cautious when adding these resources.  I do see the value that many technologies can provide in a classroom setting, however I simply believe it should be well thought out before implemented.

Some information that I have found on this topic are from Education World, Scholastic, and other articles, which address the benefits and ways to incorporate technology into the classroom.  Continually referencing resources such as these can be a simple way to stay focused and on top of our learning regarding the benefits (or otherwise) of technology in our classrooms.  I have learned a great deal about various simple technologies that are beneficial, as well as some more elaborate technologies that can provide some new opportunities for learning.  I hope to be able to incorporate many of these into my classroom and I am sure that my students will have many more to show me.  I really look forward to seeing just how technology has changed the workings of an Early Years classroom.

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